Really? For the pancakes?

I like pancakes. :)

However, that is not where this blog name came from. I was listening to the radio and Drake's "The Motto" came on... the first time I had heard it and I misheard the lyric "I’mma do it for the Bay, okay" as "I do it for the pancakes." And I thought to myself.. hmm.. I didn't know he liked pancakes so much.. I probably would do it for the pancakes. 

I often don't hear lyrics correctly.. For a long time I thought T-Pain was saying "I'm gonna buy you a train" in his Buy You a Drank song. -_-

Anyway, I'm not sure if I'm very good at blogging. I've never really tried it, but I don't have a long attention span. But here goes!

About a year ago I very happily purchased a townhouse with my boyfriend and we moved in together. About that same time I discovered this magical wonderland website called Pinterest. And very quickly I started pinning all of the things that I wanted to do in our new place. Some practical ideas, like having an organized pantry. Other completely ridiculous like "OMG WE NEED A FAKE ROCK WALL IN OUR LIVING ROOOOOOM!" (I haven't yet tried this one)

However, it is because of Pinterest that right now there are 4 holes in my bathroom wall and the room is halfway painted a nice soft blue color. Instead of the baby poo brown it was when we moved in. Yuck. Serious, brown? bleh.

Since I frequently take pictures of whatever I am working on, I figured why not show people? And usually projects that I think will be very difficult turn out to be not so bad.